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Uganda is home to 300 mountain gorillas, the largest of all gorilla populations in Africa. We landed in Kampala and drove across to the west of the country bordering Rwanda and DRC, stopping at 0 degrees latitude to stand on the equator which cuts across Uganda.

Our mission was to hike through the Biwindi rainforest, high up in the misty mountains, to track and see these majestic animals in their home habitat. The forest is labelled as ‘impenetrable’ due to its density, I had never hiked through so much lush vegetation it was like walking inside an emerald.

Led by an expert local team we ascended into the forest with trackers ahead of us to find the gorilla family we were visiting. Within 3 hours we had located our family with a male silverback, female and two infants.

Staying at a safe distance we watched them, as they watched us, whilst continuing their daily play and search for food. The encounter lasted an hour which felt like minutes, fixated on these creatures we were slowly led back to our path for the hike back. Tourism helps fund the work the national park does to care for the gorillas and with responsible travel and strict Covid safety precautions, this is still possible.

We continued the trip with a visit to Queen Elizabeth National Park to for a spectacular safari and boat ride on the Kazinga channel sailing past hippos and crocodiles that live in the waters. The lodges we stayed in were clean and the local food was delicious and fresh. Our last day we drove to Kampala the capital city a bustling vibrant change from the quaint villages we had driven through.

My final view of this nature rich country were in Entebbe, by the shores of the vast Lake Victoria waiting for our flight home to Dubai.

Eagle hunters in western-Mongolia

Aliquam imperdiet ante enim, a ultricies ligula porttitor at. Curabitur dui ante, vehicula ut interdum a, pharetra non massa. Pellentesque consequat dui eros, eget viverra est laoreet fermentum. Fusce a tincidunt velit.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent commodo mi luctus tincidunt dignissim. Donec suscipit, est pretium bibendum pellentesque, sapien ex sodales mauris, at pharetra dui ex sit amet lectus. In volutpat interdum imperdiet. Sed faucibus dapibus aliquet. Nullam quis finibus ante, non semper massa.

"Aenean cursus consequat odio a sollicitudin. Proin eu lacus vitae odio porttitor aliquam nec nec elit. Donec pellentesque pellentesque."

Maecenas in ultricies ex. Suspendisse a mauris in risus hendrerit maximus non in arcu. Maecenas venenatis sodales elit ut iaculis. Nunc quis eros commodo, viverra leo sed, tincidunt urna. Morbi dolor leo, volutpat in semper non, congue eu sem. Ut massa eros, imperdiet nec convallis quis, facilisis eleifend libero. Suspendisse potenti.

  • Nulla facilisi. Phasellus eu ultrices orci.
  • Aenean condimentum imperdiet augue sit amet porttitor ipsum gravida ut.
  • Aliquam auctor ligula ut nisi malesuada tempus. Fusce tempus venenatis sagittis.
Visiting a nomad family in the countryside of Mongolia

Sed ut hendrerit sapien. Sed risus turpis, luctus laoreet ante et, tincidunt consequat lacus. Ut sagittis, dolor vitae pulvinar consectetur, justo dolor pretium est, id hendrerit neque tellus cursus odio. Aenean sit amet consequat nunc. In ut imperdiet leo, sit amet rutrum sapien. Maecenas mi ligula, facilisis eu dui quis, hendrerit faucibus libero. Integer mollis risus at lacus iaculis dapibus. Sed lacus ligula, sodales sed vehicula vitae, auctor ut nunc. Quisque libero eros, ultricies vel scelerisque a, mattis a lectus. Nunc hendrerit lacinia leo, id lobortis lacus commodo id. Ut dignissim blandit risus quis egestas.


Etiam molestie vulputate nulla, vitae venenatis lorem congue tristique. Pellentesque et rutrum est, quis rhoncus justo. Praesent placerat vel est sit amet facilisis. Mauris magna urna, elementum ut erat nec, rhoncus facilisis ligula. Aenean non enim blandit velit aliquet egestas. Aliquam imperdiet ante enim, a ultricies ligula porttitor at. Curabitur dui ante, vehicula ut interdum a, pharetra non massa. Pellentesque consequat dui eros, eget viverra est laoreet fermentum.